APMC Shimla & Kinnaur Was established in the Year 1973 having Administrative block of 2 Districts in Dhalli, Shimla-12. APMC Shimla & Kinnaur is having 10 Market Yards and 3 Functional Check Posts and apart from the above 3 yards are in construction stage mainly Mehandali, Shillaru, & Anu.

Sr.No. Name of Yard Facilities Available Major Arrivals Seasonality Pattern
1 RMC Dhalli Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block , Farmer Rest House , Garbage Disposal Unit Green Peas & Beans March To November
2 FM Bhattakuffar Auction Platform, , Toilet Block Apple & Cherry June To November
3 SMY Theog Auction Platform, Shops, Bio Toilet , Farmer Rest House Green Peas,  & Cabbage March To November
4 SMY Rampur Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block , Farmer Rest House Cauliflower , Potato & Green Peas Full Year
5 SMY Rohru Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block Apple June To November
6 SMY Nerwa Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block  & Bio Toilet , Farmer Rest House Apple & Bean June To November
7 SMY Kharapathar Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block Apple June To November
8 SMY Koti Non Functional  
9 MMY Prala Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block , Farmer Rest House Apple June To November
10 SMY Tapri Auction Platform, Shops, Toilet Block, Bio Toilet , Farmer Rest House Apple  

Major Achievements of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur in the last three years

  1. On the request of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur the State Government has Constituted SIT for the release of default payments of the Farmers
  2. Further the APMC has solved the dispute payment of 70nos. of farmers and got release sum of Rs. 2,31,75,167.00
  3. Various construction works has been commenced to facilitate the farmers a follows :-
    Sr.No. Name of The Project Estimated Cost (in Rs.) Remarks
    1 Integrated Cold Chain Project at Prala having distribution hub at Kharapathar Rs. 60,00,00,000.00 Proposal have been finalized and tenders documents are in progress
    2 Modern Market Yard at Mehandali , Rohru Rs. 20,00,00,000.00  Construction work has been Commenced
    3 Expansion of MMY Prala Rs. 8,50,00,000.00 Construction work has been Commenced
    4 Expansion of RMC Dhalli Rs. 18,00,00,000.00 Approval has been obtain by MC Shimla but final approval is yet to received from the Govt. (TCP)
    5 Market Yard at Tharmati, Theog Rs. 7,00,00,000.00 Tender for site development has been called
    6 Market Yard at Shillaru Rs. 20,00,00,000.00 Construction work has been Commenced
  4. During the Current Financial Year 2020-21 vegetable trade in addition to apple marketing have been started in :-
    I) MMY Prala II) SMY Rohru III) SMY Anu
  5. During the current Financial Year 2020-21 the following Mandis were declared as Satellite Mandi for the marketing of Apples i.e Tapri , Mehandali Anu, Chirgaon , Badiyara & Kharapathar to maximize social distancing and prevent from the damage of COVID-19 and also it generated the income of Rs. 37,33,463.00
  6. Arrival of Apples & Vegetables during the Current Financial Year 2020-21 are as follows :-


    Vegetables & Fruits other than Apple

    Outside Yard (in Boxes)

    Inside Yard (in Boxes)

    Local Produce (in Quintals)

    Outside State (Quintals)





Future Plans of the APMC

  1. Setting and exploring of various other avenues of income generations like Setting up of CA Stores , Grading and Packing Units
  2. Allotment of vacant shops in the yards
  3. Revision of Rates of Shops Rent
  4. Inviting of commission agents working in outside of our yards to the yards
  5. Establishing of new market Yards in Shillaro, Dakolar , Tharmatti