The Market Committee, Chamba was established during the year 1981 under the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1969 (Act No. 9 of 1970), which has been repealed vide section 86 of the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development & Regulation ) Act, 2005 (Act No. 20 of 2005) as assented to by the Governor on 25th May, 2005 for better regulation of sale purchase of Agricultural Produce and to provide marketing and information facilities to the growers of the district.
APMC is having only one Principal Market Yard, consisting of six shops was constructed at Chamba (Balu) during 1981 on 2000 sqm Government Land with a cost of about Rs. 3.00 lakhs. Subsequently during the year 2002 an additional eight number of shops along with an Auction Platform was constructed with a cost of about Rs. 20.00 lakhs. During the year 2006-07, a new office building was added with a cost of Rs. 15.00 lakhs. During the year 2012-13, staff quarter building was constructed on the first floor of 8 No's of F&V shops in the PMY Baloo, Chamba, with a cost of about Rs. 27 Lakhs.
The yard is well connected and equipped with road facility, drinking water facility, electricity, parking space, toilet blocks, covered auction platform & farmers rest house etc.
This Market Committee started its functioning with 34 dealers during the year 1988-89, but now during 2019-20, 117 traders of fruits, Vegetables, food grains, forest produce and milk products etc. have been covered under the provision of this Act. Initially the income o f the Market Committee was Rs. 5000/- during the year 1988-89, which has now increased to the tune of Rs. 2,97,89,791/- by 31.03.2020. Market Committee is meeting out its office and development expenses out of its own income.
Existing Market Infrastructure will be strengthened. Apart from that, APMC is planning to establish a big F&V market yard in near future, if suitable Govt. land gets transferred to the committee.