Powers and Functions of the Board

The important powers and functions of the Board are enumerated in Section-11 of the H.P. Agricultural and Horticultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act, 2005. They are as follows:

(1) The Board, subject to the provisions of this Act, performs the following functions and have powers to do such things, as may be necessary or expedient for carrying out these functions:

  1. Exercise superintendence and control over all the Committees established and constituted under this Act;
  2. Coordinate the working of the Committees and other affairs there of including programmes undertaken by such Committees for the development of markets and market areas;
  3. Undertake the State level planning of the development of agricultural produce Markets;
  4. Administer the Marketing Development Fund;
  5. Give directions to the Committees in general or any Committee in particular with a view to ensure improvement there of;
  6. Any other function specifically entrusted to it by this Act; and
  7. Such other functions of like nature, as may be entrusted to the Board, by the State Government.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, such functions of the Board includes,-

  1. To approve proposals for selection of new sites by the Committees for establishment of principal or sub-market yard;
  2. To approve proposal for constructing infrastructure facilities in the market area such as grading, pack houses, storages, processing, other post harvest management facilities etc;
  3. To supervise and guide the Committee in the preparation of plans and estimates of construction program undertaken by the Committee;
  4. To execute all works chargeable to the Board’s fund;
  5. To maintain accounts and get the same audited in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed;
  6. To publish annually at the close of the year its progress report, balance sheet and statement of assets and liabilities and send copies thereof to each member of the Board and the State Government;
  7. To undertake marketing extension activities in the Board for the transfer of marketing technology and extension services. It may also make necessary arrangements for propaganda and publicity on matters related to regulate marketing of an agricultural produce and development of marketing;
  8. To provide facilities for the training of officers and staff of Committees and the Board after assessing the demand for trained personnel in agricultural marketing at all levels;
  9. To prepare and adopt budget for the ensuing year;
  10. Arrange or organize seminars/workshops/ exhibitions etc. on subjects related to agricultural marketing;
  11. To do such other things as may be of general interest to the Committees or considered necessary for the efficient functioning of the Board.
  12. To organize and promote grading and standardization of notified agricultural produce and e-trading; and
  13. To set up an Agricultural Produce Marketing Standards Bureau to perform such functions and duties as may be prescribed for the purpose of promotion of grading, standardization, and quality certification of agricultural produce in the State.