The Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una which is situated on the Una-Amb road was established during the year in 1979, under the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural Produce Market Act, 1969 for the better regulation / transaction of sale purchase of Agricultural Produce and to provide better information and infrastructure facilities to the grower's / commission agents / traders and consumers of the district. Whole of the District has been declared as Notified Area of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una. The Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una at present has total of 147 licenses of Fruits, Vegetable, Food-grains, Timber, Katha, Milk, Meat and other Agricultural Allied Produces etc. under the provision of the H.P. Agricultural and Horticultural Produce Marketing (Development & Regulation) Act, 2005. 25 Kanals of land at Una-Amb road was transferred in the name of Agriculture Department for the establishment of Principal Market Yard during the year in 1986-87. The yard was constructed having 20 numbers of vegetables & fruit shops, 6 Booths, 5 room sets, 2 dormitory and office building having 9 rooms. During the year 1997-98 four (4) new shops were also constructed for Grain Market. During the year 1999-2000 covered auction platform was constructed in front of 20 vegetables and fruit shops to provide covered and more space to the growers/ commission agents and traders as well as to save their produce from heat and rain. One new shop was constructed in between the existing Fruit-vegetable and Grain Market and two new vegetables & fruit shops were constructed during the year 2005-06. Four (4) new shops were constructed on the backside of the Primary Market Yard during the year 2012-13. Five (5) new booths were constructed during the year 2015-16. At present, District Election office is also functioning on the first floor with the main APMC office. The trade volume during 1995-96 of the vegetables and fruits was 42,038/- quintal and 7,670/- quintal respectively. The trade volume has increased multifold during this time. In 2019-20 the trade volume of the vegetables and fruits was 1,20,369/- quintal and 49,667/- quintal respectively.
a)Daily wholesale rates of 24 - Notified Agricultural Produce Scheduled items / commodities are being regularly sent
to the Director of Agriculture H.P. Shimla-5, which are transmitted and broadcasted daily by All India Radio H.P. State
Door-Darshan Kendra vis-a-vis Shimla, Dharamsala and Hamirpur respectively.
In addition to that daily minimum and maximum markets rates of 30 - Schedule items like Vegetables & Fruits are being
communicated to the daily news papers which facilitate the farmers of the area to know about the recent / latest trends
of the market information and also which are published daily in Dainik Jagran, Amar Ujala, Punjab Kesari, Dainik svera,
Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik naiya setu, Una Dastak respectively.
b) Besides daily arrival and rates of fruits & vegetables are uploaded on the AGMARKNET PORTAL daily.
Method of sale is adopted by Open Auction and Negotiation. Maximum quantity of vegetables and fruits is brought by the farmers / growers of the district in the Principal Market Yard at Una and at Sub-Market Yard at Santoshgarh, Bangana which is put to open auction / negotiation for sale. And the rest of the quantity of vegetables and fruits brought by the commission agents from outside the district / State as per the consumption capacity / demand of the traders of the area / district.
For the convenience of the farmers e-NAM was implemented from March 2016 in APMCs for unified licenses, single point levy of market fees and e-trading for transparency in business, fair prices and direct payment to bank accounts of farmers. There are two e-NAM mandies under APMC Una viz. PMY-Una and SMY-Santokhgarh. Time to time interaction with farmers, traders & commission agents through e-camps.
a) |
Total Area |
25 Kanals |
b) |
No. of vegetables and fruit shops |
22 Numbers |
c) |
No. of grain shops |
05 Numbers |
d) |
Booths |
11 Numbers |
e) |
Covered Auction plate- form |
01 Number |
f) |
Number of sets in rest house |
05 Numbers |
g) |
Dormitory having 8 beds each |
02 Numbers |
h) |
Store and Chowkidar room |
One each |
i) |
Office building |
05 Numbers |
j) |
Toilet Blocks |
02 Numbers |
The construction of the Sub-Market Yard at Santokhgarh was completed in the year 2007-08 with construction cost of Rs. 1,25,79,809/- which included dewatering from the existing pond, removal of sludge, filling in the existing pond, Construction Work, Electrification, Water Supply, Sanitary Installation and White Washing etc. All the amount involved in the establishment of Sub-Market Yard at Santokhgarh was met out from the own resources of Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una like collection of Market Fee, Rent from the shops / Godowns, Sale of Forms to the commission agents / traders of the Notified Market Area, License fee, Interest on deposits etc. In addition to this Central Assistance @ 33% was received from NABARD under the Scheme for Development / Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization.
a) |
Total Area |
6.56 Kanal (approx) |
b) |
No. of vegetables and fruit shops |
11 Numbers |
c) |
Security Room |
2 Numbers |
d) |
Dormitory |
1 Number |
e) |
Covered Auction platform |
1 Number |
f) |
Store |
1 Number |
g) |
Chowkidar Room |
1 Number |
h) |
Canteen |
1 Number |
i) |
Office Room |
1 Number |
The foundation stone of the Sub Market yard Takarla was laid in the year 2016-17. The construction of the Sub- Market Yard at Takarla was completed in the year 2019-20 with construction cost of Rs. 1,59,77,071/- (approx.) which includes Construction Work, Electrification and White Washing etc. The amount involved in the establishment of shops at Sub-Market Yard, Takarla was met out from the own resources of Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una like collection of Market Fee, Rent from the shops / Godowns, Sale of Forms to the commission agents / traders of the Notified Market Area, License fee, Interest on deposits etc. The amount involved in the establishment of godown was met from the Central scheme of the Government of India. The shops were allotted through open auction on dated 21-10-2019.
a) |
Total Area |
45 Kanal (approx) |
b) |
No. of vegetables and fruit shops |
8 Numbers |
c) |
Proposed 2000 MT. capacity godown for storage of wheat and paddy including Labour Hut |
1 Number (10 godowns) |
The construction of the Sub- Market Yard at Bhadsali is Rs. 1,20,00,000/- (approx.). Out of which Rs. 49,48,666/- involved in the establishment of Sub-Market Yard at Bhadsali was met out from the own resources of Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Una and the remaining balance from HPSAMB Shimla. The SMY-Bhadsali is Non-Functional due to the dispute in passage of road.
a) |
Total Area |
62 Kanal (approx) |
b) |
No. of vegetables and fruit shops |
8 Numbers |
c) |
Canteen |
1 Number |
d) |
Office |
2 No Rooms |
e) |
Auction platform |
1 Number |
The Sub- Market Yard at Bangana inaugurated in 2019-20. The shops were allotted through open auction on dated 31-07-2019.
a) |
Total Area |
4.5 Kanal (approx) |
b) |
No. of vegetables and fruit shops |
7 Numbers |
Financials of the APMC Una has improved substantially over the years. Since 2015-16 to 2019-20 the income of APMC Una has been increased by 37.02% i.e. from 1,67,04,192.83/- to 2,28,89,736.47/- as compared to the expenditure for the same period which decreased by 2.88%.
The Hon'ble Agriculture Minister, Himachal Pradesh, Dr. Ram Lal Markanda visited the PMY-Una on 04-02-2018 wherein he desired to expand and modernize the PMY-Una for providing better facilities to the farmers of the district and also due to heavy traffic jam/ Vehicular activities on the National Highway as well as in the Market Yard creates inconvenience to the Farmers, Traders and other people during peak marketing hours. Since, there is no space available for expansion at the current site of PMY-Una. Thus, the proposed site is suitable for new PMY and is well connected to the road from Una to Santokhgarh and Haroli (Both sides). About 80 kanal of land is transferred in the name of Department of Agriculture. At present, the work of boundary wall is under progress for this new primary market yard