Production Scenario

Cropwise Area and Production figures under Vegetables during the year 2018-19 in r/o Distt. Mandi, HP. Kharif, 2018 and Rabi, 2018-19
(Area in hectares & Prod in MT)
SN Name of Vegetables crops Kharif, 2018 Rabi,  2018-19 Total  Average yield (qtls per ha) 
Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
1 Peas 1752 26455 1903 28735 3655 55191 150
2 Tomato 966 24150 31 698 997 24848 250
3 Beans 438 7008 218 3161 656 10169 155
4 Onion 6 126 492 10332 498 10458 210
5 Garlic 0 0 486 12150 486 12150 250
6 Cabbage 370 11100 702 19656 1072 30756 280
7 Cauliflower 185 5180 643 16718 828 21898 265
8 Radish 49 1127 390 8970 439 10097 230
9 Turnip 11 286 77 1694 88 1980 225
10  Carrot 8 176 56 1232 64 1408 220
11 Bhindi 420 6300 0 0 420 6300 150
12 Cucurbits 333 8658 0 0 333 8658 260
13 Capsicum 263 4734 4 72 267 4806 180
14 Chillies 80 880 0 0 80 880 110
15 Brinjal 225 4725 52 1092 277 5817 210
16 Turmeric 70 2100 0 0 70 2100 290
17 Other veg. 528.5 11627 294 6468 822.5 18095 220
18 Exitic vegetables  78.5 1727 36 792 114.5 2519 220
  TOTAL 5783 116359 5384 111770 11167 228129  
Blockwise/Cropwise Area and Production figures under Vegetables during the year 2017-18 in r/o Distt. Mandi, HP. Rabi, 2017-18
(Area in hectares & Prod in MT)
SN Blocks  -> Sadar Balh Sunder Nagar Karsog Seraj Gohar Dharmpur Gopalpur DRANG CHAUNTRA TOTAL
Name of vegetable crops Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
1 Peas 147 2220 121 1827 90 1359 265 4002 125 1888 855 12911 32 483 55 831 161 2431 48 725 1899 28675
2 Tomato 6 135 7 158 6 135 4 90 0 0 5 113 1 23 0 0 0 0 2 45 31 698
3 Beans 0 0 110 1595 110 1595 1 15 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 15 223 3234
4 Onion 80 1680 80 1680 70 1470 34 714 10 210 32 672 42 882 54 1134 43 903 42 882 487 10227
5 Garlic 50 1250 45 1125 42 1050 35 875 48 1200 150 3750 23 575 24 600 37 925 32 800 486 12150
6 Cabbage 82 2296 122 3416 94 2632 82 2296 72 2016 72 2016 33 924 30 840 75 2100 30 840 692 19376
7 Cauliflower 106 2756 125 3250 75 1950 50 1300 60 1560 35 910 19 494 53 1378 81 2106 34 884 638 16588
8 Radish 72 1656 86 1978 58 1334 25 575 10 230 10 230 27 621 30 690 45 1035 23 529 386 8878
9 Turnip 10 220 14 308 7 154 7 154 1 22 3 66 6 132 10 220 12 264 7 154 77 1694
10  Carrot 9 198 9 198 7 154 8 176 2 44 4 88 3 66 4 88 6 132 4 88 56 1232
11 Bhindi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Cucurbits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Capsicum 0 0 2 36 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 4 72
14 Chillies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 Brinjal 5 105 4 84 4 84 3 63 1 21 3 63 5 105 4 84 3 63 20 420 52 1092
16 Turmeric 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Other veg. 35 770 38 836 37 814 31 682 30 660 30 660 34 748 32 704 30 660 33 726 330 7260
  TOTAL 602 13286 763 16491 601 12749 545 10941 359 7851 1200 21493 225 5053 296 6569 493 10619 277 6125 5361 111175
Blockwise/Cropwise Area and Production figures under Vegetables during the year 2017-18 in r/o Distt. Mandi, HP. Kharif, 2017
(Area in hectares & Prod in MT)
SN Blocks  -> Sadar Balh Sunder Nagar Karsog Seraj Gohar Dharmpur Gopalpur DRANG CHAUNTRA TOTAL
Name of vegetable crops Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.
1 Peas 56 846   0 274 4137 355 5361 468 7067 351 5300   0   0 216 3262 30 453 1750 26425
2 Tomato 215 5375 320 8000 110 2750 70 1750 30 750 40 1000 25 625 60 1500 56 1400 27 675 953 23825
3 Beans 65 1040 72 1152 45 720 35 560 20 320 36 576 25 400 50 800 40 640 47 752 435 6960
4 Onion   0   0 1.5 32   0 2 42 1 21   0   0 1.5 32   0 6 126
5 Garlic   0   0   0   0 0 0   0   0   0   0   0 0 0
6 Cabbage 70 2100   0 45 1350 30 900 120 3600 80 2400   0   0 18 540   0 363 10890
7 Cauliflower 50 1400 20 560 35 980 20 560 40 1120 20 560   0   0   0   0 185 5180
8 Radish 15 345   0 22 506   0 6 138 2 46   0   0 4 92   0 49 1127
9 Turnip 6 156   0 5 130   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 11 286
10  Carrot 2 44 1 22 2 44 1 22 2 44   0   0   0   0   0 8 176
11 Bhindi 75 1125 70 1050 65 975 30 450   0 25 375 30 450 55 825 20 300 45 675 415 6225
12 Cucurbits 85 2210 90 2340 45 1170 14 364 4 104 25 650 15 390 30 780 12 312 10 260 330 8580
13 Capsicum 75 1350 65 1170 45 810 14 252 5 90 6 108 14 252 20 360 10 180 9 162 263 4734
14 Chillies 3 33 5 55 8 88 3 33 8 88 20 220 3 33 5 55 10 110 15 165 80 880
15 Brinjal 105 2205 38 798 33 693 5 105   0 9 189 5 105 22 462 4 84 4 84 225 4725
16 Turmeric 10 300 12 360 10 300 6 180 5 150 5 150 7 210 6 180 5 150 4 120 70 2100
17 Other veg. 100 2200 43 946 37 814 38 836 87 1914 44 968 45 990 62 1364 97 2134 52 1144 605 13310
  TOTAL 932 20729 736 16453 783 15499 621 11373 797 15427 664 12563 169 3455 310 6326 494 9235 243 4490 5748 115549