Constitution of the Board

The Board consists of

  1. Chairman , who is appointed by the State Government
  2. Twenty Members including Vice-Chairman of whom
    1. Ten ex-officio members and
    2. Ten non-official members nominated by the State Government
1. Ex-officio members
  1. The Secretary (Agriculture) HP Government Vice-Chairman of Board
  2. The Secretary (Horticulture) HP Government
  3. The Secretary (Finance) HP Government
  4. The Secretary ( Forest ) HP Government
  5. The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Himachal Pradesh;
  6. Director of Agriculture, Himachal Pradesh;
  7. Director of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh;
  8. Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Himachal Pradesh;
  9. Chief General Manager of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Shimla
  10. Managing Director of the Himachal Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board.
2. Non-official members
  1. Two shall be Chairman of the Committees;
  2. Four shall be other progressive agriculturists/farmers.
  3. Two shall be from such traders registered under section 40 of this Act
  4. Two shall be from experts having experience in agricultural marketing