Income Of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur During last 5 Years :

Income of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur ,  (Shimla-12) in Rs.
S.No. Financial Year Market Fee Check Post User Charges Rent Income From Deposit Other Income Total Income
1 2015-16 97951672 51707027 14402428 10393885 39971110 3433472 217859594
2 2016-17 115605454 31917544 15629218 4956871 46300481 2335553 216745121
3 2017-18 131440229 6235646 15697033 3877953 51378455 4525873 213155189
4 2018-19 124286472 25492481 13845856 20987577 51744466 2770781 239127633
5 2019-20 129374783 43084305 13852072 5043088 54605982 3383410 249343640

Expenditure Of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur During last 5 Years :

Expenditure of APMC Shimla & Kinnaur ,  (Shimla-12)in Rs.
S.No. Financial Year Establishment Exp. Development Repair & Maintenance Other Expenditure Total Income
1 2015-16 15953934 118926188 23819386 38429818 197129326
2 2016-17 19521167 26465494 58248352 55137851 159372864
3 2017-18 21382663


62432551 123653134
4 2018-19 21009915


61062410 108532358
5 2019-20 16245349


61536739 84128044

Income Received From Market During last 5 Years :

Income Received From Market  Fees ( in Rs.)
Financial Year Fruits Vegetables Milk Animal Husbandry Timber Food grains Other Total
2015-16 81030745 14402428 4110736 2611778 1917051 8176177 105185 112354100
2016-17 99662147 15629218 5063020 3185837 984958 6636216 73274 131234670
2017-18 110469002 15697033 5829895 2158747 1601900 11254282 126403 147137262
2018-19 98173919 13845856 7099632 2625159 1472887 14718587 196288 138132328
2019-20 108707516 13852072 6183836 1985379 1532507 10818911 146634 143226855