Income of Agriculture Produce Market Committee Hamirpur

Agriculture produce Market Committee Bilaspur charges 1% Market fee from the traders of notified Agri. Produce traded in the notified Market area of APMC Bilaspur. The other sources of income are rent of shops, guest house and interest on deposits etc.

The income received during the recent years from different sources is as under :-

Income of APMC Hamirpur for the Last Five Year w.e.f. 2015-2016 to 2019-2020
Sr. No. Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Market fee 8521137 8947073 8946504.4 9952581.95 10209009.6
2 Chech posts 704856 387240 478779 555722 818011
3 User charges 1714640 1933207 2297760.08 2088804.78 1945729.52
4 Rent 777592 755420 704814 1206721 1589825
5 Income from deposits 1274576.69 1260082 1325645 1275420 1814939.42
6 Miscellaneous Income 228972 486903 750019.5 1253033.02 510181.02
  Total- 13221773.69 13769925 14503521.98 16332282.75 16887695.6

Expenditure of Agriculture Produce Market Committee Hamirpur

The expenditure of the Market Committee under the different heads prescribed by the board (Including construction works) during last ten years are as under:-

Expenditure of APMC Hamirpur for the Last Five Year w.e.f. 2015-2016 to 2019-2020
Sr.No Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Expenditure on Establisment 5320782 5797165 7344510 7745510.9 8705415
2 Development 1824001 470640 2628970 39560 1082942
3 Repair Maintenance 45332 11509 2000 38647 48759
4 Other expenditure 4200673 3891706 3093009 3278679 3993217
  Total- 11390788 10171020 13068489 11102396.9 13830333

Income of APMC Hamirpur from market fee during last five years

Sr.No. Particulars 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 Fruits 133481 95581 207096 255614 717178
2 Vegetables 189303 129162 162704 196269 225946
3 Milk 1618995 1693381 2008003 2297432 2892239
4 Animal Husbandry 374252 298804 334462 380504 264186
5 Timber 1098360 1166319 1236308 1288024 1032774
6 Foodgrains 5566215 5667701 5263665,4 5622839.95 5852610.64
  Total- 8980606 9050948 9212238.4 10040682.95 10984933.6